(An unexpected error occurred: #24031) Proseal | Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap Report

Proseal reports its gender pay gap under the Equality Act of 2010 requiring companies with over 250 employees to disclose their gender pay gap annually from April 2017.

It is important to note that the Gender Pay Gap is different to 'Equal Pay'. 'Equal Pay' is about men and women receiving equal pay for the same or similar job. The Gender Pay Gap shows the difference in the average hourly earnings and bonus of male and female employees.
Our statement remains consistent with prior years, that Proseal's gender pay gap is strongly influenced by the industry in which it operates, with senior engineers and designers in the business being male.

We are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across the business and we remain committed to creating opportunities and providing support for women to further their careers within the business.

This report displays our results in the year to April 2023

Pay & Bonus Gap

  Mean   Median  
Hourly Fixed Pay 9% The mean pay for men is 9% higher than that of women 18% The median pay for men is 18% higher than that of women
Bonus Pay -21% The mean bonus pay for men is -21% higher than that of women 15% The median bonus pay for men is 15% higher than that of women

The above table shows our overall mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay as at the snapshot date (i.e. 5 April 2023). It also captured the mean and median difference between bonuses paid to men and women at Proseal UK Ltd in the year up to 5th April i.e. any bonuses paid in March 2023.

  Hourly Fixed Pay 
Mean 9% The mean pay for men is 9% higher than that of women
Median 18% The median pay for men is 18% higher than that of women
  Bonus Pay
Mean -21% The mean bonus pay for men is -21% higher than that of women
Median 15% The median bonus pay for men is 15% higher than that of women

The above table shows our overall mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay as at the snapshot date (i.e. 5 April 2023). It also captured the mean and median difference between bonuses paid to men and women at Proseal UK Ltd in the year up to 5th April i.e. any bonuses paid in March 2023.

Proportion of colleagues awarded a bonus for 2023

97% of males received a bonus in the reporting period
100% of females received a bonus in the reporting period

This shows an 3% difference between the number of men and women being paid a bonus in March 2023 who were employed at the snap shot date of the 5th April. The difference is driven by start dates. Not being employed by the business at the bonus date results in a 3% difference between the number of men and women being paid a bonus who were employed at the snap shot date.

Pay Quartiles

Upper Pay Quartile - 80% male, 20% female
Upper Middle Pay Quartile - 89% male, 11% female
Lower Middle Pay Quartile - 96% male. 4% female
Lower Pay Quartile - 92% male, 8% female

The above illustrates the gender distribution at Proseal UK Ltd across four equally sized quartiles

As an engineering business, proportionally, we have a higher number of males in the business, which is reflected in our reported numbers .

Proseal has females in senior roles across our Marketing, HR, Sales, Finance and Testing departments and we are delighted that we are attracting female engineering apprentices into the business. We remain committed to diversity and inclusion and will be formulating strategies to get more females into engineering, such as encouraging young women to become engineers through our apprentice program via school visits. We recognise the positive contribution gender diversity brings to all areas of the organisation and are actively ensuring there is support and there are opportunities within the business for female employees to further their careers.


We confirm that the information and data reported is accurate and in line with the UK Government's Equality Act 2010

(Gender Pay Gap information) Regulations 2017.